An employer received a claim
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I negotiate all day long it can agonize
To have fun in Negotiation, you must prepare for a negotiation If you use the other side info and line of defense against him you will know no agony
And on everything. Today I was at the car repair shop, some lights went red and yellow in my car.
It’s a Hybrid lot of lights, as I’m waiting on my sentence on what’s wrong and how much it would cost to fix the car.
The boss in charge says: “it will be 790 before tax”.
I am a negotiator, so I ask (You always need information before you start a negotiation).
“Tell me for what?”
He says: “Good news, it’s only for the regular battery, not the expensive one,”
So I say, “o. k. good to know, thank you. I must go to the restroom, but I expect a discount when I’m back,”
In Negotiation, you must give a reason it’s not important which
But when you give a reason, people love to help.
So I say: “It’s because I had to drive the car here myself and it was half a day wasted and I didn’t work yesterday because the car you sold me died…”
“So I wasted a day because of the car you sold me.”
In the restroom, I checked the prices for batteries. You must always prepare for a negotiation no matter what kind…
If you want to know how to do it, you must check my courses press here
Prices on batteries were around 500. So when I come back he says “good news 10 percent off,” So I say: “Not enough just looked it up and I Can get a battery for 400,” so I want to pay less. You should say less than what you want to close on. He says: “Can’t do that, and we checked your car if you buy nothing from us it’s 400 just for the test,”
I don’t react. If you don’t like something the other side is saying you ignore it.
I say: “I do all my services at your garage, I came to you, I could have gone to a place near my house.”
Let me speak with the manager o. k. So I told my Story to the manager, and he gave me 20% and added: “He looses on less…”
You use the other side defense and even his words against him
Like in the story of Samson and Delilah
The biblical account states that Samson had immense strength to aid him against enemies and allow him to perform amazing feats, including slaying a lion with his bare hands and massacring an entire army, using only the jawbone of a Donkey. However, if Samson’s would cut his long hair, then he would lose his strength.
Samson betrayed by his lover Delilah, that got his secret out of him. Sent by the Philistines officials to entice and spy on him, ordered a servant to cut his hair while he was sleeping and turned him over to his enemies, who gouged out his eyes and forced him to grind grain in a mill. While there. When the Philistines took Samson into their temple of Dagon, Samson asked to rest against one of the support pillars. After being granted permission, he prayed to God and miraculously recovered his strength, for one last time allowing him to bring down the columns, collapsing the temple, and killing more enemies than ever before. Hebrew Bible (chapters 13 to 16)
So I said: “How much are you paying for the battery?”
to which he says: “Fine 25% off”.
So we closed for 500 plus 90 tax.
Negotiation tactics are every were not just in court, not just with your partners. You should learn not only to negotiate at work but also every time someone gives you a chance to check your skills.
If you want to become a pro negotiator, press here take one of my courses or the Special offer for the 2 of them together
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החל מיום 01.04.2024 עליכם לקבל לפחות 5,880.02 ₪ למי שמועסק במשרה מלאה במשכורת חודשית קבועה
אם אתם עובדים לפי שעה אז לפחות 32.30 ₪
מרוויחים לפי יום אז לפחות 271.39 ₪
אם אתם עובדים לפי ימי עבודה אז לפחות 235.2 ₪
פיטורים מהעבודה מה מגיע לכם
פיטורים הם אירוע משמעותי וקשה עבור כל עובד. חשוב לדעת מה מגיע לכם במקרה של פיטורים, הן מבחינה כספית והן מבחינה חוקית.
חלק מהזכויות שלכם:
פיצויי פיטורים: זכאים לפיצויי פיטורים בגובה שכר חודשי לכל שנת ותק.
דמי הודעה מוקדמת: זכאים לדמי הודעה מוקדמת בגובה שכר חודשי לכל שנת ותק, עד 12 חודשים.
ימי חג: זכאים לפדיון ימי חג שלא נוצלו.
חופשה שנתית: זכאים לפדיון חופשה שנתית שלא נוצלה.
ביטוח לאומי: זכאים להגיש תביעה לדמי אבטלה.
פנסיה: זכאים למשוך את כספי הפיצויים שהופרשו עבורכם.